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Bad Taste Talks To: Pyncher

There's a real buzz around Pyncher at the minute, and while they admit it can get exhausting when gigging as relentlessly as they do, they still seem to have a glint in their eye that says, 'this is great, isn't it?' Their love for live music shines through, and it's that energy that they have brought yet again to latest single 'Steely Dan'.

We caught up with our friends in the north to chat about their plans for the near future and what they enjoy most about the independent scene in Manchester.


Alright guys? How's life at the minute? 

Pretty swell. Quite hungover cause of two gigs this weekend in London and Manchester but looking forward to our Christmas break!

Post-punk is having a big surge of popularity at the minute, not just underground but some groups are having a crack at the mainstream now. Is it still cool?! 

We deny any affiliation with post punk and prefer to go by the cooler title of Surf Punk. Shortened to S'punk. I would personally say it is cool (dependent on the band obviously) but who are we to say...

The Manchester scene is particularly electric at the minute. How's it been this year, being able to gig properly for the first time in a while? I guess people have been desperate for live music. 

It's been fantastic. We have done a silly number of gigs in the last year, and keep meaning to have a break, and then failing. The attitude of people to the underground scene in Manchester is unlike anything else in the UK.

What's the hardest thing about being an independent band trying to crack this industry? 


Tell me about it. Is that the aim then? What's the end goal for Pyncher? 

At the end of the day, our goals are modest. Change music fundamentally, take over the UK charts, and support Duvet at Wembley.

Not asking for much then.

We don't think so.

The band hasn't been together for long, yet there's a lot of buzz around you. What do you think has been the driving force keeping you gigging as much as you are? 

Just because we love it, and its addictive. There is nothing like playing in front of 50 pissed friends in a dimly lit Fuel Cafe on a Friday night.

Would you rather chew a frog or a tomato?

Why not have both? The texture of the tomato will bring out the flavour of the frog.

Yummy. Any other tasty bits of Pyncher info you have for us? 

We are exploring new territory next month when we venture to Sheffield on the 8th of December at the Sidney and Matilda. If you are around, please come along, and we promise to be s'punky.

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us! Lastly, I'd like one piece of life advice from each of you, please. 

If there's one bit of advice we can all share, it's to buy a Stockport County season ticket, as the boys are going up.



So there we are. Fancy a sweaty night of s'punk? We seem to have found your dream evening plans. Make sure to check out our review of Pyncher's latest single and follow them on their socials.

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